For species-specific sundew information, click on any Drosera(sundew) species name in the list directly below and you will be directed to that page. For general sundew cultivation info, check out the links along the right side of this page. For easier navigation of sundew info, click here. | |
Subtropical Sundews South African Drosera admirabilis Drosera aliciae Drosera affinis Drosera capensis Drosera collinsiae Drosera dielsiana Drosera madagascariensis Drosera natalensis Drosera nidiformis Drosera regia Drosera slackii D. sp. "South Africa" Drosera venusta South American Drosera ascendens Drosera camporupestris (pictures) D. communis D. esmereldae Drosera graomogolensis D. felix Drosera montana var. tomentosa D. roraimae Drosera villosa Other Locations D. brevifolia D. binata varieties Drosera burmannii D. capillaris D. indica D. hamiltonii Drosera spatulata Drosera tokaiensis (a hybrid) Drosera oblanceolata |
Tropical Sundews D. anglica tropical forms D. binata var. multifida "extrema" D. neocaledonica D. intermedia tropical forms Petiolaris D. falconeri D. lanata D. ordensis D. paradoxa 3 Sisters of Queensland Drosera adelae Drosera prolifera Drosera schizandra Temperate Drosera anglica Drosera binata varieties D. filiformis var. filiformis Drosera intermedia Drosera rotundifolia Tuberous Sundews How to grow Picture gallery Hybrids D.capensis x aliciae D. spatulata x capensis D. hybrida D. filiformis x D. intermedia D. rotundifolia 'Charles Darwin' D. x obovata 'Ivan's Paddle' 'Watari' |
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Thank you
for visiting The Sundew Grow Guides is a collection of in-depth horticultural articles dedicated to the species of the Drosera genus. This site covers everything a beginner to experienced sundew grower will ever need to know about growing sundews. This site is a collaborative effort by several people, and pages are all written by experienced growers. If you want to contribute, there is still much to be done! Let me know how you'd like to help :).The Goal of The Sundew Grow Guides
This site will eventually (hopefully) include detailed cultivation guides for every common sundew in cultivation. This site is still a work-in-progress and will take several years to complete, but we're always working on new articles.Examples of Articles on this Site
Examples are: how to grow sundews from seed, how to produce thousands of sundews from a single plant (propagation), proper lighting and growing conditions, and supplies you will need to keep your sundews happy.Additional Goals
Another goal of this site is to help you find the sundews you're looking for! While sundews are not sold at this site, I used to trade, give away seed, or sell it for a very low price. I won't have time to do this for the next 3 years, but we've compiled a set of resources all on one page to help you out!Comments and Suggestions are Always Welcome!
If you have questions or ideas for the site, please email me! Go ahead and e-mail us any new features you would like to see on the site.
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