Welcome to

The Tuberous Drosera


About us

Years ago I had the first contact to Aaron and we traded some seeds. I was surprised about Aarons generosity and friendlyness. After some mails I decided to contribute to his really great project growsundews.com and wrote something about tuberous drosera. I live in Germany and grow sundews for ... I really do not know, maybe since 1995 or something like that and tuberous Drosera since 2006. At the moment I have about 150 different species of Drosera. Because I am not a native english speaker it is possible, that some phrases sound a little bit strange. In this case please contact me and I will correct them. If you have any specific questions about Drosera and especially tuberous Drosera not covered on the site, feel free to contact me. I am always interested in trades, especially for tubers and/or seeds of rare tuberous Drosera or new locations and in summer I have always tubers ands seeds to trade with.

At the moment I am responsible for problems with the website and anything about tuberous Drosera.

Contact me

You can reach me with a PM (personal message) via the german GfP-Forum or via the CPUK-Forum. In both forums I have the username "Lutz" and you can write in english or in german. Thanks to the constantly improving translation routines like the amazing Deepl every other language is OK, too.

Of course you can also send me an e-mail to sundewman@web.de